To book

Select your dates of stay, the number of people and book your stopover on the French Riviera, in the heart of Cannes. By choosing the Hotel Juliana Cannes, you will benefit from a prime location, a suite or a comfortable room, beautiful 4-star services and many other little touches!

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Well-being, Sun & Relaxation
Swimming pool of the Hotel Juliana Cannes

The real Dolce Vita
Hotel with swimming pool Cannes Croisette

At the Hôtel Juliana Cannes, the swimming pool is outdoors. It offers a setting conducive to reading, relaxing and enjoying the mild climate of the Côte d'Azur.

As soon as the beautiful spring weather sets in, the swimming pool is accessible to all our travelers looking for a moment of well-being and gentleness, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the beaches.

  • Treat yourself to the joys of the French Riviera by booking in our hotel with swimming pool in Cannes Croisette!

Perfect your tan The deckchairs

About forty deckchairs have been positioned all around the swimming pool. Whether you want to read in the shade or sunbathe under the generous Cannes sun, everything is possible in our hotel with swimming pool in Cannes Croisette.

“Farniente”, “Dolce Vita”, “Sun” and “Réconfort” sum up your moments at the swimming pool of the Hôtel Juliana Cannes!

Order what you like The bar service

Quietly installed on your deckchair, order the drink you want: alcoholic or not, hot or refreshing, sparkling or still, … 

Thanks to our pool bar service, all day long, we serve you the drink of your choice. 

  • Treat yourself to a real moment of relaxation in our hotel with swimming pool in Cannes Croisette! 

Everything you need to know about swimming pools Conditions of access

  • Swimming pool open during the day from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., when the weather is nice
  • 10 meters long by 4 meters wide – depth from 60 cm to 2 meters
  • Access prohibited to minors unaccompanied by an adult
  • Swimming pool not supervised by a lifeguard
  • Access prohibited to people outside the hotel
  • Swimming pool closed on Wednesday mornings for maintenance and upkeep